2. Sourcing your hens
There are numerous breeds of hens to choose from.
If egg production is the primary aim of the exercise
then it is probably best to select a commercial
hybrid line (e.g. ISA BROWN, HI-SEX BROWN, and
HYLINE BROWN). These are brown egg layers
and generally have the capacity to lay up to 300
eggs per year when placed in the right conditions.
However, hens come in many different colours, sizes
and egg laying capacities. It may well be that you
prefer some “pretty” hens or mixed colours (red,
white, black, speckled, etc) but if you choose some
more exotic types or birds of mixed or unknown
pedigree then you can’t expect the same level of
To ensure birds of good quality both genetically
and health wise it is best to purchase them from
a reputable dealer or a commercial poultry farm.
Check the classified advertisements in rural
newspapers or contact your local Department
of Agriculture.
For most backyard operations it is most convenient
to purchase “point of lay” pullets. These are chicks
that have been reared professionally to be in the
body composition/body weight to commence lay
and have been fully vaccinated to protect them
against common disease. These birds are usually
purchased at 16 – 18 weeks of age with a view that
they will begin to lay at 18 weeks of age.